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 Zanpakuto Creation

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12th Squad Taichou

Posts : 62
Join date : 2011-02-13

Zanpakuto Creation Empty
PostSubject: Zanpakuto Creation   Zanpakuto Creation I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 3:05 am

Sealed Description: * Katana: The term Katana is applied to a standard, hilted, curved Japanese sword with a blade greater than 60cm in length. It is categorized via it's distinct appearance; curved, slender, single-edged blade, a circular or squared guard, and a grip long enough to accommodate two hands.
* Wakizashi: A short blade between 30-30cm in length (Averagely about 50cm). It is very similar in appearance to a Katana but shorter in length. Traditionally the Wakizashi is worn with the the Katana. When worn together they were called a Daishō, due to this the Katana was affectionately called "The Long Sword" whilst the Wakizashi was known as "Companion Sword"
* Nodachi: These are more difficult to wield due to their size and weight. It's hilt capability was 30-33 cm in length and it's cutting capability was higher than that of a Katana.

Release Phrase:
Manifestation: What your zanpakuto looks like when you see it.

Class-Type: Melee

These are designed for direct melee combat rather than using kidō or magic based abilities.


These zanpakuto are designed around their special abilities more than physical combat adaptability.
Most zanpakuto are classified into their respective elements that they produce or an element a zanpakuto manifests itself in. All the below zanpakuto element types can be classified as kidō types.










These are Zanpakuto whose classification cannot be clearly verified.



Sub-Type: These zanpakutos are types that do not classify a zanpakuto on their ability but their state of appearance.

Constant Release

These are Zanpakuto that are perpetually in their shikai state because of their wielder's immense spiritual power.

Dual Bladed

These are zanpakuto that become dual bladed upon their release. Having two blades is considered to be rare amongst zanpakuto and is speculated to be some kind of uniqueness in the wielder's spiritual power.

*For these last two your profile has to be above average.*

Shikai Description: How zanpakuto looks in shikai form.

Shikai Special Ability:

Technique(s): Has a maximum of two techniques.

*This is for Captains and if only you've achieved Bankai.*

Bankai: Description of it and new name goes here.

Bankai Special Ability:

Techniques: Has a Maximum of three techniques.
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