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  Bow Creation

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12th Squad Taichou

Posts : 62
Join date : 2011-02-13

  Bow Creation Empty
PostSubject: Bow Creation     Bow Creation I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 16, 2011 3:17 am

Quincy Cross: Description is required. You may add a picture if wished.
The bow's focal point is the Quincy cross, acting as the focus for a Quincy bow. The cross need not necessarily be in a cross shape. *Without it, bow cannot be formed.

Bow Appearance: Picture or description are accepted.
A bow is a manifestation of the Quincy's power.

Spirit Arrows: What do your arrows look like.
Class-Type: Projectile
Sub-Type: Reishi.

Marksmanship: How accurate does your arrow(s) hit the target? (1 being the lowest while 10 is the highest.)
Quantity: How many arrows can you fire at once?
Path Control: Can your arrows move in different patterns through your control?
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